Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Some Birthdays and Some Special Guests

On Mum's Birthday her and I were all set to get up early and make breakfast for everyone so that when Els and Wim returned from the airport with the boys we would be ready. We were woken that morning by the sound of them walking in the front door so that didn't really work out.
Paul and the boys were very tired when they arrived as they had also found it hard to sleep on the plane,
but they were determined to last the day.
We all had breakfast together as mum opened her presents, which she loved. She got a jacket and a Cd from me (Amy Winehouse, horrible), perfume and a belt from the girls, a beautiful watch from Els and Wim and some new boots from Oma.
here is the birthday girl, looking slightly like a pirate, but very pleased with her loot
After presents I went for a walk to the local supermarket with Paul and the boys so they could have a look around, i sugested the supermarket a good destination because i found it an amazing place to visit when i arrived. I was right, we probably spent about half an hour wandering around looking at everything, before heading home.
We all had some lunch and then headed into Hoorn to do some shopping and have a look around. We had planned to ride in but the weather was horrible and was raining so we managed to all cram into the car, with the boys in the boot, and set off.
We wandered around Hoorn, Mum and to exchange some boots and get her new watch adjusted to fit her wrist, but it was very wet and everyone was beginning to feel tired, so we headed home after an hour or so. A quick stop off at the supermarket again so Remy, Harry and Paul could stock up on Dutch supplies.
It was also Andre's birthday so he popped in later in the afternoon so we could all say 'Haaaaappppppyyy Birthday!'
That night we had a birthday meal of chips, croquette and a few other deep fried, unidentified meat products that i had absolutely no interest in trying.

After tea Remy, Harry, Lisa and I rode to her work at Betje Wolf Plein, which is the shopping plaze where both Lisa and Emma work, so we could rent some movies from Lisa's work. In our excitment of the day we actually forgot to bring the movies home with us, which we all realised once we got home, so we hoped back on our bikes and rode back to pick them up.
By the time we got back poor Remy and Harry we so exhausted, it was all they could do just to stay awake to have some birthday cake.

We were supposed to be waiting for Andre to come back from his brothers house so him and mum could have their birthday cake but he ended up running late to we all decided it was best just to start on the cake
mum and andre's birthday cake, made by andre's friend rob the baker
Finally Andre arrived so it was time for more presents! And more cake

andre's presents

After all the worrying about Andre's present we all decided he liked them a lot. 
Nothing could come close to his Barcelona outfit though.
It was a really good day, tiring, but good. I am really happy Paul and the boys have arrived because it means i have some more people i can spend time with and do things with so i don't feel so lonely.

Right now we are waiting for Inga and Jan to pick mum and I up from Els's and then we are off to Rotterdam for the night, where we are going out for mum's birthday.

Happy Birthday Mum and Andre!


  1. Hey Lily,

    Hope you enjoyed Amsterdam - it's a whole new lot of shops to shop!
    It must be nice having Paul and the boys there - so that you can hear more english, and speak more english. I remember feeling very overwhelmed by the language, and I grew up with it, and understood it all - so I imagine it's much harder for you. Anyway, we are still missing you here but happy that you are having fun :)

  2. LILY!!! How are you? this is the first time I've had a look at your blog, mum showed me how to find it. Looks like you are having a fantastic time. The photos are beautiful, I'm so jealous. It looks like such a gorgeous country. Glad you are having fun and doing lots of shopping. Say hello to everyone from me. And also, thanks for doing a blog, It's great to be able to see what your up to. Miss you lots and can't wait to see what adventure you get up to next. Love AJ xoxoxoxoxo
